PCCC & Social Security Works Launch Online Ad Buy in NH

PCCC: ai???It is an absolute must for a Democratic nominee who claims to be progressive to take Social Security cuts off the table.ai???

Today, after Sec. Hillary Clintonai??i??s campaign made clear for the first time that she will not commit to never cut Social Security, the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Social Security Works have launched an online ad buy in New Hampshire to increase pressure on Clinton to make that explicit promise beforeAi??Tuesdayai??i??sAi??primary.

Minutes ago, the Clinton campaignAi??told the Huffington Post, ai???She has no plans to cut benefits.ai??? The Huffington Post accurately reported, ai???Hillary Clinton refuses to rule out any and all benefit cuts to Social Security.ai???

The PCCC and Social Security Works in response announced an online ad buy statewide across New Hampshire today. The Facebook and Google ads will target likely Democratic voters, including Clintonai??i??s supporters.

Stephanie Taylor, Co-founder of the PCCC issued the following statement:

ai???Hillary Clinton says she has ai???no plansai??i?? to cut Social Security — but George W. Bush had ai???no plansai??i?? to invade Iraq. That is not a promise, and our grandparents and veterans need a promise.

ai???It is an absolute must for a Democratic nominee who claims to be progressive to say clearly and unequivocally that they will never cut Social Security benefits. Bernie Sanders has made that commitment. Hillary Clinton should make that commitment before the New Hampshire primary so Democrats can focus on expanding benefits.ai???

Statement from Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works:

ai???The American people stand united against cuts to Social Security benefits, all Americans. Ninety-four percent of Americans stand against benefit cuts. We need Hillary Clinton to promise to never cut Social Security benefits, no cuts, no buts, now or ever.ai???

Neither group has endorsed a candidate for president.

See the ads:Ai??http://boldprogressives.org/?p=11683

Thousands of people have also signed a petition in the last 24 hours calling on Sec. Clinton to promise never to cut Social Security:Ai??ExpandSocialSecurity.org.

See the initial challenge to Sec. Clinton by PCCC on Fox & Friends Feb 2nd:Ai??https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfLbZ_aAIN8

Facts on Social Security:

  • Two thirds of American seniors rely on Social Security for most of their income.

  • The average benefit received by women in 2014 was $13,016ai??i??just $1,346 over the federal poverty limit for an individual.

  • The average Social Security benefit is just $16,092 a year, less for African Americans and Latinos. This barely clears the poverty line.

  • 94% of AmericansAi??opposeAi??cuts to Social Security, and vast majorities of Democrats, Independents, and RepublicansAi??supportexpansion.

Note to press: PCCC staff are available for interviews by phone or in-person from Baltimore, MD. To schedule, please contactPress@BoldProgressives.org.

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