cotv_2millionPCCC’s Call Out the Vote program just blew past another huge milestone: 2 million calls to voters in key states and districts, so far in 2014.

With 12Ai??days left until Election Day, the PCCC is on trackAi??pass its 2012 record ofAi??more than 2 million calls to voters on behalf of progressive candidates including over 574,000 calls for Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). In its first year of operation in 2010, COTV made over 1 million calls to voters.Ai??The PCCC is going big with the goal of achieving 4 million calls for top progressive candidates by Election Day.

PCCC members have contributedAi??over $1.37 million through 179,000 donations to “Elizabeth Warren wing” candidates this cycle — including over $338,000 through over 43,000 grassroots donationAi??to majority makersAi??Mark Udall, Bruce Braley, Rick Weiland, Al Franken, and Jeff Merkley.

“These are candidates who will fight to takeAi??on Wall Street, get Big Money out of politics,Ai??reduce student loan debt, andAi??expand Social Security benefits,” says Stephanie Taylor, PCCC co-founder. “The PCCC’s unique infrastructure is helpingAi??progressives win, and win progressively, with people-powered campaigns.”

Members are pulling out all the stops to push progressives to victory on November 4. Check out the top candidates COTV is making calls for:

  • 204,000+Ai??calls forAi??Paul Clements (MI-6)
  • 187,000+ calls for progressive majority makerAi??Rick Weiland (SD-Sen)
  • 176,000+Ai??calls for progressive majority makerAi??Al Franken (MN-Sen)
  • 170,000+ calls forAi??Shenna Bellows (ME-Sen)
  • 137,000+ calls forAi??big progressive primary winnerAi??Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12)
  • 91,000+ calls forAi??Alan Grayson (FL-9)
  • 46,000+ calls for progressive majority makerAi??Jeff Merkley (OR-Sen)
  • 40,000+ calls for progressive majority makerAi??Bruce Braley (IA-Sen)Ai??
  • 40,000+Ai??calls for progressive majority makerAi??Mark UdallAi??(CO-Sen)
  • 26,000+ calls for big progressive primary winnerAi??Pat Murphy (IA-1)

We’ve shattered our 2012 record of 2 million calls, and we still have two weeks to go. Progressive candidates need your help! Here are some of the top progressive candidates that COTV is helping:

Rick Weiland in South DakotaAi??could suddenly be the key to saving the Senate. He’s made challenging big money the central theme of his campaign, while the Republican front-runner is mired in a corruption scandal. Rick says: “I think we need to get the cap off of Social Security…I want to open up Medicare to everyone, let them have the choice.”

Senator Mark Udall of ColoradoAi??is one of the strongest fighters in the Senate for privacy protections and holding the CIA accountable. He also supports Elizabeth Warren’s plan to fix the student debt crisis, and is a fierce defender of Social Security benefits. Mark’s Republican opponent has a voting record even more right-wing than Michele Bachmann’s. Udall is currently trailing by 4 points.

Congressman Bruce Braley of IowaAi??founded the Populist Caucus in Congress. He’s focused on ensuring economic fairness, investing in education, and expanding Social Security benefits. Bruce is running for an open seat in Iowa where Senator Tom Harkin is retiring. The Koch brothers have targeted this race with massive ad buys, putting him 2 points behind a Republican opponent who wants to repeal the federal minimum wage and cut Social Security.

Shenna Bellows of MaineAi??is former Executive Director of the Maine ACLU and played a leading role in Maine’s marriage equality fight. Shenna believes in repealing the Patriot Act, expanding Social Security, addressing climate change, and holding Wall Street accountable.

Congressman Mike Honda of CaliforniaAi??is one of the boldest members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, he joined Alan Grayson in promising to vote against any cuts to Social Security ai??i?? and was one of the first to support expanding Social Security benefits.

The elections two weeks from now are shaping up to be extremely close. COTV calls could literally make the difference in the races we’re targeting. Control of the Senate is at stake.Ai??

Stand with bold progressives across the country, sign up to Call Out The Vote!