Tony Podesta, one of Democratic Washington’s most powerful corporate lobbyists, is in Charlotte this week to cozy up to politicians.
Last week’s Republican National Convention was a no-holds-barred party for lobbyists for Big Business. From free espresso from fracking lobbyists to nightly parties with Coca Cola and weapons lobbyists, Big Money had a great time at the convention last week.
But these corporations aren’t exactly sitting on the sidelines at the Democratic convention this week.
It’s true that the host committee for the convention took an historic and important step of for the first time ever refusing to take any donations from lobbyists or corporations.
But that isn’t stopping Big Business. Here’s a few ways it has found to influence the convention, anyway:
- Hosting Watch Events Outside The Convention: The America Petroleum Institute, American Gas Association, Credit Union National Association, Pfizer, and others will be hosting watch parties around a mile away from Bank of America stadium.
- Sponsorships: The Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney shows off a swag bag that the host committee is giving to journalists. Inside the bag are all sorts of goodies that sponsors of the convention are giving away. These include a pedometer from United Health Group and water bottles from Piedmont Natural Gas. Carney notes that corporations like Wells Fargo and Florida Crystals Corporation (which is a major force of the sugar lobby) are on the sponsor list as well. Duke Energy, notorious for battling any effort to curb climate change, extended a $10 million line of credit for the party to hold the convention, and its CEO has given $100,000 to the host committee.
- Parties, Parties, And More Parties: Elite lobbyists have been setting up all sorts of events for lawmakers to be wined and dined. The New York Times has a write-up of one Charlotte event featuring Tony and Heather Podesta, two of the most well-connected Democratic Party lobbyists. The Podesta’s event on Monday hosted executives from Wal-Mart, Blue Shield and others while also hosting politicos such as Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. In addition to bringing together corporate executives and politicians, the Podestas brought all sorts of food, everything from “bite-size biscuit-and-country-ham sandwiches, deviled eggs with pickled okra, duck and corn quesadillas, and bourbon molasses truffles.”
The Democrats will boast of sticking up for the little guy and taking on Big Business during their convention speeches this week. And by most measures, they do accomplish these tasks far better than the opposition party. But as the lavish events hosted by lobbyists and corporations right outside the convention walls (and in the swag bags) show, corporations still have far too much influence in even the Democratic Party.
Well said but there is a problem. What should Democrats or Progressives do? Unless we do this we get totally swamped by the right wing crazies. I live in NYC and I shudder when I see what “voters” say in the South. Yes things have improved but allow me to ullustrate what the improvement is. I was an executive in the financial services field and was assigned to visit each office in the Uniited States of America. One week I was visiting Jackson, Mississippi and was a bit nervous because of the history of the state and the lack of knowledge I had about the area.
I was shooting the breeze with the manager and his assistant, both white men, when in strolled a good looking black man who was introduced to me as the most productive salesman in this office. I thought, “Wow things are really better these days.” When the Afro-American left I turned to the white guy and said
“I guess things have really changed down here.” The manager asked if I knew why and then cozied up to me and whispered “Because they finally know their place.” I almost puked right there.
Puke can be cleansing. I for one have burned out on the endless years of empty platiudes spewed from the dem. politico candidates including those who run for the the NAFTA (or re-negotiate agreements). Need I say more. The dems. held the majority in the Congress, so what was he waiting for?? No wonder dems. lost that strong standing in the mid-term elections. However; we’ll still hear the same old b.s. from the dem.operatives who tell us:the other side is more ; thus vote for the dems. a “Vote for the lesser evil” Now how inspiring is that? One thing is certain: promises to corporate paymasters will not be broken. Politica b.s. does make me want to puke.
Please permit a revision: 🙂
Puke can be cleansing. I for one have burned out on the endless years of platitudes spewed from the dem. politico candidates including those who run for the presidency. Take Obama and big promises made to the AFL-CIO to repeal (or re-negotiate) the NAFTA agreements. Need I say more? The dems. held the majority in the Congress, so what was he waiting for?? No wonder dems. lost that strong standing in the mid-term elections. However; we’ll still hear the same old b.s. from the dem. operatives who tell us:: the other side is more evil; thus vote for the dems. a “Vote for the lesser evil” Now how inspiring is that? But, promises made to their corporate paymasters will not be broken. Excuse me while I puke
The first President for whom I voted was Lyndon Johnson and the last President for whom I voted was Barack Obama. Throughout this time I have been staunchly Democrat at local, state and national levels. But, recently, I have been so disappointed and angry with the realization that Republicans and Democrats have morphed into two wings of the same bird: the Corporate State. While the rhetoric between these two parties may diverge, their actions demonstrate too much similarity, too much togetherness, and equal amounts of corruption. I do not think this was always true. In the Sixties and Seventies, I believe we Americans were still presented with options when we went to vote. Over the last three decades though, corporate non-persons have succeeded in stealing away American democracy through bribery and fraud from real people until we have the current corporate oligarchy. I really, truly had hope in 2008 that policies would change under President Obama, but he is continuing the push to drill, drill, drill and mine, mine, mine for energy despite the Deepwater Horizon Disaster, (in fact, he just allowed Shell to drill in the Arctic Ocean which threatens an even bigger disaster), is willing to consider more tax cuts to the rich (employers’ payroll taxes, for example), to conduct illegal and unpopular military actions (drone attacks on civilians in both the Middle East and America, his assassination list to eliminate dissidents), to negotiate trade deals which eliminate jobs for Americans and impoverish workers in trading countries, etc. It seems we, the American people, need to initiate a new Revolution to restore democracy.
You nailed it Carlene! The initial excitement to the O presidency evaporated a long time ago. Now he and his dem. cronies are regurgitating the same ole convention platitudes–and w/Michelle selling her poverty tales and wonderful family life to win us over. O may still be a “great dad/husband” but that’s not why we voted for him. Yes, he’s maintain truth and devotion to his family, but not to his supporters. To us he’s nothing more than a two-timing–infidel -cheat. Hillary perhaps would understand. Had she, not Michelle gave the opening speech, she’d have to find another topic. 🙂 Bill by the way will speak Wed. night, but I’ll be watching the NFL opening game between the NYGiants and Dalls Cowboys.
THANK YOU. THANK You! !!!! Someone Else Older than me can get it! !!! I do to. I Was not around when LBJ Was Here I Was born in 64. And most of my life i never voted. Im not. Rep or Dem im HUMAN. JUST Like you. SO WHO DO We VOTE FOR THE LESSER OF THE TWO EVIL! !! YOU ARE RIGHT IT IS TIME FOR A REVOLUTION! !!!! Change. KICK Their BUTT’S. ALL OUT. LOVE. YOU CHARLEN L PERRY WOULD VOTE FOR YOU IN A HOT MINUTE. WANA RUN? ???