
Elizabeth Warren
Massachusetts - U.S. Senate
Elizabeth Warren demonstrated her fighting spirit by successfully creating a Consumer Protection Agency as part of 2009′s financial reform bill — and beating back an army of Wall Street lobbyists standing in her way to do it. After Warren helped set up the agency after financial reform passed, we helped draft Elizabeth Warren to run for Senate in Massachusetts, with our members raising over $1.7 million for her campaign. In addition, over 70,000 potential volunteers and donors joined the draft and we ran online ads in support of the campaign.
Actions for Warren:
- FUNDRAISING — Over 70,000 of our members have raised over $1.7 million for Warren’s campaign.
- VOLUNTEERS — Over 70,000 potential volunteers and donors signed up to show Warren the depth of her grassroots support.
- ADS — We ran online ads in support of drafting Warren for Senate.
- NEWS — The Nation: “PCCC “Draft Elizabeth Warren” most valuable campaign of 2011.”
- NEWS — Boston Herald: “Warren launched an online petition today demanding revival of 1933’s Glass-Steagall Act, which kept commercial banks out of the investing business from the Great Depression until the 1990s… in an e-mail to 900,000 members of the liberal Progressive Change Campaign Committee.”