
Bill Halter

Bill Halter

Arkansas - Governor

In 2010, Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter challenged Blanche Lincoln in the Democratic primary for Senate. We helped Halter run a deep, grassroots-based campaign, including helping him run a state-wide field program, helping our members make tens of thousands of volunteer calls, and helping our members raise over $300,000. He ultimately narrowly lost to the entrenched incumbent.

Actions for Halter:

  • CAMPAIGN ASSISTANCE — We helped Halter set up a grassroots-based field program that knocked thousands of doors and made tens of thousands of phone calls.
  • VOLUNTEERS — Our members volunteered to make thousands of phone calls for Bill Halter.
  • FUNDRAISING — Our members raised over $300,000 for Halter’s campaign.
  • NEWS — TPM: “The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has launched a last-ditch web ad against Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) ahead of her primary today against Lieutenant Gov. Bill Halter. The ad features a PCCC member from Arkansas named Pauline Wildman, who also stars in a Halter TV ad accusing Lincoln of wanting to cut Social Security.

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