
The Public Option

The Public Option

Insurance companies need competition

As the health care debate came to a boil in Washington, the public option appeared to be “dead on arrival.” To save the public option, we garnered mass support on main street and on Capitol Hill, circulated a breakthrough letter in Congress, and ran hard hitting ads that held Congress accountable.

Actions for the public option:

  • AD — We ran a full page New York Times ad signed by over 65,000 2008 Obama  supporters saying “anything short of the public option is not ‘Change We Can Believe In.’”
  • NEWS — New York Times: “Going up on cable networks soon is an ad by the Progressive Change Campaign Committee. Titled “We Want a Public Option,” the ad first is up on the organization’s Web site, asking all supporters of a public insurance option to sign their names to the ad, as residents would on a petition. “We’re Calling Democratic Senators Out!” the appeal proclaims, and links to so that viewers can see the lobbying money from health and insurance interests flowing to various lawmakers.”
  • CONGRESSIONAL LETTER — Our members helped sign on dozens of Members of Congress to the “Bennet Letter” which declared strong support of public option in Congress.
  • VIDEO — Our ad holding Senator Baucus accountable in his home state is below.

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