
Net Neutrality
Protect an open and accessible Internet
Our members continue to support major campaigns for Net Neutrality, advocating against censorship and supporting an open and accessible Internet. In 2010, we launched and helped deliver over 300,000 signatures to their corporate headquarters, calling on Google to honor their company motto – “Don’t be evil” – and end their secret deal with Verizon to kill Net Neutrality. Over 100,000 or our members also signed our petition telling FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski to deliver on real Net Neutrality protections – instead of letting corporations write the rules.
Actions for Net Neutrality:
- PETITION — Our members signed petitions and told their stories to pressure Google, Comcast and the FCC to support an open Internet.
- ADS — We launched and major online ad campaigns supporting our petitions to Google, and the FCC and its Commissioners.
- NEWS — Fast Company: “…the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and organized protesters to storm Google headquarters in Mountain View Friday. …the group did get to make their point and deliver a petition which organizers say had 300,000 signatures.”
- NEWS — TechCrunch: “Consumer watchdogs Progressive Change Campaign Committee, one of the groups behind last month’s Net Neutrality protests in Mountain View (which produced the amazing and as of yet unverified statistic that 600 Google employees signed an anti-Google/Verizon petition) have now one-upped themselves by buying ads through Google’s own content network and on competitor Facebook in conjunction with OneWebDay.”
- VIDEOS — Our petition deliveries to Google’s headquarters and FCC Chairman Genachowski: