
Stand up to the big banks
Big banks are pressuring states to agree to a deal that would let them off the hook for foreclosure fraud they committed when they crashed our economy. Bold Attorney Generals like Eric Schneiderman in New York and Jack Conway in Kentucky, as well as representatives like Tammy Baldwin, are fighting back. Over 110,000 of our members have joined these attorney generals in fighting back, successfully pressuring California Attorney General Kamala Harris to come out against this deal. And over 85,000 members have joined Rep. Baldwin as citizen co-sponsors of her resolution in Congress against immunity.
Actions against foreclosure fraud:
- PETITION — Over 110,000 members signed petitions to their Attorney Generals against immunity for big banks.
- CALLS — Our members made calls to Attorney Generals like California’s Kamala Harris against immunity.
- VICTORY — After we delivered our petition along with CREDO Action to California Attorney General Kamala Harris, she came out against the deal to give big banks immunity.
- SIGN-ON — Over 85,000 have signed on as citizen co-sponsors to Rep. Tammy Baldwin’s resolution in Congress against immunity for Wall Street.
- CALLS — Our members made thousands of calls to Congress, asking representatives to co-sponsor Rep. Tammy Baldwin’s resolution.