Massachusetts Republican Senator Scott Brown
about how he helped pass the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill. Here’s a campaign commercial he put out about this claim:If the Dodd-Frank bill was so tough, why is it that one of Wall Street’s most infamous institutions would give Brown a large check a week after he voted to pass it?
What Scott doesn’t mention in his boasting is that he was the swing vote in the Senate that worked to make the financial reform law more bank-friendly. He successfully forced Democrats to abandon a bank tax and weakened the Volcker Rule. He also voted against killing “naked credit default swaps,” a financial instrument that the European Parliament partially banned in 2011. Morgan Stanley famously lost billions of dollars in its dealings with credit default swaps.
“I’ll work with anyone to get things done,” Brown brags in the commercial above. “Anyone” apparently includes mega-banks like Morgan Stanley whose risky behavior caused a Great Recession we’re all still living with.
Tv ads are successful because we are tempted by the magic of whatever product is being touted. It’s easy, as all political promises are made of smoke. People hear what they want to hear. And how many actually check out the scam of promises versus fact. It’s a magical act worthy of a Las Vegas stage.
The best government money can buy.
How much more do we need to know to conclude that Scott Brown is not just another pretty face?
I hope this will energize not only Elizabeth Warren’s lackluster campaign, but also bring out voters to eliminate Brown from the Senate….
The voters need to see Elizabeth handle Brown in the debates as she handled Time Geitner.
I live in MA. He gets more $ from Wall Street then almost anyone in the house or senate! I’ve been referring to him as Wall Streets #1 Lackey for months!
Warren for MA Senate!!!
all we ever see is him driving his truck or drinking coffee. Never any plans about what to do to fix things. I’ve sent inquiries to his office, and haven’t received a reply to my questions; just the usual form letter.
If he is so supportive of women, why did he help write the Blunt amendment and veto equal pay for equal work. he’s had several vetos against women and democratic job proposals.
He is another Mitt, he calls himself independent so he can go whichever way the wind blows and he knew he wouldn’t stand a chance running as a Republican for Kennedy’s seat.
Elizabeth Warren has a solid record of accomplishments in helping protect the middle class from Wall St predatory practices. Please, please, don’t be fooled by ads that millions of dollars from his right wing agenda, can buy. Please use your mind, check out the facts…use several sources. don’t let our gov’t be bought and paid for by people who are the least motivated to help working class people.
I thought Senator Brown was supposed to be a man of the people – not a man of the corporations like Morgan Stanley…
Scott Brown is “full of baloney”! (Not the kind you eat)
I never voted for him in the 2010 special election because I did my homework by checking him out on the Massachusetts Senate’s website. I found out that he tried to “legislate” a constitutional amendment barring rape victims from getting emergency contraceptive treatment at a hospital! That amendment got “shot down”!!!
He’s also a flip-flopper!!!
Susan above is right; Brown reminds me of a twig floating along in a river, waitng to see which way the current is swirling and then going with it. He has told us part of how he has voted, but you notice you never hear of initiatives from him on the big questions. Besides, voting 90% of the time with the Repbulicans says it all. On the other hand, we have Elizabeth Warren who has done the almost impossible in pulling together the Consumer Protection Agency. And Brown, “Wall Street’s Favorite Senator”, has done what he can to undermine it. Here is my question: If the Democrats had been in power when the economy was wrecked, would anyone ever think of voting for them this time around?? They drove the bus into a ditch; WHY would we want to hire that driver again?