Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT)
Blue Dog Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT) has been a long-time favorite of the National Rifle Association. In his last election, he got an “A” rating from the group and scored an endorsement — something he was so proud about that his campaign put out a press release touting it.
Following the tragedy at Sandy Hook, Matheson has refused to talk about gun reforms and recently dismissed many of Obama’s proposed measures.
But while he is against common sense reforms on gun policies, he instead introduced a bill about violent video games. The bill would decree that:
It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or rent, or attempt to sell or rentai??i?? (1) any video game containing a content rating of ai???Adults Onlyai??? (as determined by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board) to any person under the age of 18; or (2) any video game containing a content rating of ai???Matureai??? (as determined by such Board) to any person under the age of 17.
Not only is Matheson avoiding the main issues relating to gun violence, but his bill is unconstitutional. In 2011, the Supreme Court struck down a nearly-identical law in California.
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